Tehtävä ja toiminta
As a member, you have access to a wide range of versatile and useful benefits, including individual legal counselling, salary counselling and comprehensive insurance coverage. We offer you information, advice and assistance if you have any questions about employment contracts, pay or career development or any other work-related matters.
We contribute to working life development and unemployment security for you. We also support you when things don’t go as planned at work. We supervise the interests of our members in collective agreement negotiations and contribute to the sustainable development of working life. We aim to raise awareness and increase the appreciation of the fields represented by our member organisations.
Who can join
You can join one of our member organisations if you have completed a degree or are studying at an academic university or university of applied sciences. For universities, the fields we represent include humanities, general, adult and special education, administrative and political sciences as well as communications and the fine arts. We have suitable member organisations for those who have graduated from universities of applied sciences with a degree in humanities, arts and culture, tourism, catering and domestic services, executive assistant work and languages, sign language, dental hygienist work, geriatric work as well as physical education and recreation.
Join as student member
Join as member