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You are welcome to join us!

Union membership will ensure you support and security throughout your career. As a member of an Akava affiliate union, you have access to guidance and assistance, for example, when seeking a job or making an employment contract. We offer you security in different phases of life – you don’t need to master everything yourself.

The union serves as a professional and working life community for you. It promotes the interests of its members at workplaces, on the labour market and in society at large. It also provides you with individual services and useful information.

Our service is intended for those who actively seek information about trade unions. The service enables you to search for a suitable Akava union by your field of education or degree. If you cannot find a suitable union by using the search function, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Find your Akava union

Akava is comprised of 36 affiliate unions representing individuals with higher education. There are two ways of searching information: by field of education or by degree.


Searching by field of education:

  • Select the level of education by clicking on the “University” or “University of applied sciences” or “Other” button.
  • You can specify your search by selecting the desired degree from the “Search by degree” drop-down menu.
  • Click on the “Search for unions” button and you will have a list of unions that match your search criteria.


Search by degree if you wish to learn more about the professions and titles related to a particular degree.

  • Click on "Search by degree" to open a drop-down menu and select a degree of your interest.
  • Click on the “Search for unions” button and you will have a list of unions that match the selected degree.