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the Finnish Association of Occupational Therapists

The Finnish Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (Kuntoutusalan asiantuntijat) is an umbrella organisation with two member associations: the Finnish Association of Physiotherapists (Suomen Fysioterapeutit) and the Finnish Association of Occupational Therapists (Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto). The Association is responsible for the social interest supervision and collective bargaining on behalf of physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Our key goal is to promote the status of rehabilitation in society and to make expertise in the field into a visible element of multiprofessional social and health care.

Occupational therapists and students in the field are eligible as members of the Occupational therapists’ association. The membership fee is based on a percentage of earnings: 1.3% of the taxable income from one’s main employment for occupational therapists.