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The Finnish Union of Church Youth Workers

The Finnish Union of Church Youth Workers (Kasvatuksen ja nuorisotyön asiantuntijat KNT) is the trade union for those engaged in Christian education and youth work and the students in the field.

The Union has over 1,100 members, including approx. 150 student members. The majority of them are employed by the Church of Finland as youth workers, directors of youth work or early childhood education instructors in parishes, or in various positions related to education within the dioceses or the Church Council, or they are in the service of Christian organisations.

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Tehtävä ja toiminta

We manage and supervise the professional interests of our members in terms of employment relationships, pay and education. The Union exerts influence on the status and offices of youth work and Christian education within the Church as well as the development of the members’ appreciation and rights in society. In addition, the Union promotes the mutual collaboration and sense of community among its members.

Who can join

You can join the Union as a full member if you are at least 18 years, employed in Christian education, teaching or social work, and have earned or are studying for a relevant degree from a university of applied sciences or corresponding. If you are studying for a degree that qualifies for the offices of youth work instructor or early childhood education instructor within the Church of Finland, you can be approved as a student member.

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