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Akavan sairaanhoitajat ja Taja

Akavan sairaanhoitajat ja Taja is a national professional association for the supervision of the interests of the highly educated in the field of social and health care. Our members are employed as managers and experts in social and health care or studying for a degree in the field. We have over 2,800 members.

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Tehtävä ja toiminta

We advance the professional, educational and financial interests of our members and promote the maintenance and development of their professional skills and knowledge. In addition, we contribute to the development of welfare services. We have an impact on our members’ pay, working conditions and education while also exerting influence in society.

Who can join

You can become our member if you are a Registered Nurse with a college or higher-level degree, if you hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a university, or a Master's degree in health care from a university of applied sciences, or if you are in a managerial position or work as an expert within social and health care.

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