Tehtävä ja toiminta
The Union negotiates, on behalf of officers, the terms and conditions of collective agreements, salary and other agreements as well as of the service relationships for crisis management tasks. We offer counselling in issues related to contracts and any discrepancies in their application.
Our most important tasks include collective salary negotiations, shop steward services, negotiations with various authorities, counselling regarding service relationship matters and exerting influence in society. The Union offers its members with training, legal expenses insurance, guarantee for study loans, the common membership benefits shared by all Akava affiliates as well as destinations for leisure.
The membership fee includes the Union's magazine, Sotilasaikakauslehti.
Who can join
You can join the Union if you are an officer with a degree in military sciences from the National Defence Academy (formerly Cadet School) or a cadet conducting studies to become an officer.
Join as student member
Join as member