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How to join?

Any individual engaged in working life or studying within higher education is welcome to join an Akava affiliate union. The unions welcome students, employees, self-employed professionals and entrepreneurs. The service will help you in finding a suitable union on the basis of your field of education or your degree.

If you are in working life, you can contact the shop steward or representative of Akava unions at your workplace and they will assist you in selecting a suitable union.


AKI-unions is an umbrella organisation for the Union of cantors and organists in Finland (Suomen kanttori-urkuriliitto), the Union for priests of the Church in Finland (Suomen kirkon pappisliitto) and the Union of Theologians in Finland (Suomen Teologiliitto). Our membership is thus primarily comprised of priests, cantors and theologians who are members in their respective unions, totalling 5,200 members. The unions also offer membership and activities for students.

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Tehtävä ja toiminta

AKI has responsibility for the supervision of interests and salary development as well as the labour market and organisational relations for the community as a whole. Each of the three unions is responsible for matters related to the specific professional identity, education and activities as well as international collaboration in the field.
AKI is a member of the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals (JUKO). The members of AKI unions have access to the services of JUKO shop stewards at workplaces.

Who can join

You can join the Union of cantors and organists if you hold a degree that qualifies you to serve as a cantor within the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland. You can become a full member in the Union for priests in the Church of Finland if you serve as a minister or lector within the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland. Those who hold a Master’s degree in Theology but are not ordained, and those with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology are eligible to join as Master/Bachelor members. The Union of Theologians welcomes as members any individual with a degree in Theology who are employed in expert or supervisory positions in a company, a non-profit organisation, the Church or other religious community. Students studying for a degree in Theology at the University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland or Åbo Akademi University may join the Union for priests of the Church of Finland and the Union of Theologians as student members.

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