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Sales and Marketing Professionals

Sales and Marketing Professionals is an interest and service organisation for sales, marketing and purchasing professionals. We have 20,000 members. Regionally, we have 23 associations, and in addition, the representatives of the pharmaceutical and hospital supply industries have their own network, as do also entrepreneurs.

We serve as a professional organisation for our members, supervising and advancing their social, financial and professional interests. We contribute to the development of their professional skills and knowledge. We create networks and interaction among professionals.

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We offer our members support and security in working life and its transitions. We provide plenty of training opportunities. Our membership services include legal services and earnings-related unemployment security.

We provide you with individual supervision of interests. Successful professionals are capable of negotiating on their salary and terms of employment by themselves but anyone may need some expert advice on issues related to salary and contracts. This expertise is what we do best. In addition, our membership benefits are worth money.

Who can join

You can join us if you serve as a sales, marketing and purchasing professional in an employment relationship. We do not expect you to have a specific professional title or educational background. Entrepreneurs who act as commercial agents are also eligible to join as members regardless of the type of their business.

Students who are interested in sales, marketing or purchasing as their future career are welcome to become student members. Become a member.

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