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The Finnish Association of Architects

The Finnish Association of Architects (Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto SAFA) is professional and ideological community as well as an interest organisation for architects. We are actively lobbying for architecture and high-quality living environments. Our membership is comprised of approx. 3,100 architects with a university degree, which represents over 80 percent of all architects in Finland. Moreover, SAFA has some 600 student members. Our members are entitled to use the professional title Architect SAFA.

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Tehtävä ja toiminta

We promote the status and job opportunities of our members by offering professional information and services and by contributing to lobbying and initiatives in the field. We also serve as a platform for recruiting in the field.

We monitor actively the education of architects. In addition to nurturing the professional education of architects we maintain the qualification recognition systems in the field. SAFA arranges continued and additional training for professionals and provides information about education and research in the field.

Who can join

You can join SAFA if you are an architect with a higher university degree. An applicant is expected to meet the requirements set out for architects in the European Union’s directive on professional qualifications in terms of the university degree and possible supplements. Students in the field are welcome to join SAFA.

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