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The Institute Officers Union of the Finnish Defence Forces and the Border Guard

Institute Officers Union of the Finnish Defence Forces and the Finnish Border Guard (Päällystöliitto) is a national trade union for employees within the government sectors under the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior. It is an Akava affiliate that has 37 member associations and a group for individual personal members. The members of the Union are employed in the fields of national defence, border guard and military crisis management. Within the Union, there is an EVP Association for those retired from active service. The Union has approximately 3,550 members.

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Tehtävä ja toiminta

We supervise your interests, protect your rights and offer plenty of membership benefits! Our primary partners include the EVP Association within the Union for retired officers and the ATOP Association, the purpose of which is to maintain the traditions of warrant and institute officers.

Who can join

The Union provides interest supervision and membership services for the salaried personnel within the Defence Administration and the Finnish Border Guard as well as for students aiming at a military occupation. Those in a fixed-term service relationship can also apply for membership.

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